13 April 2020 2023-06-15 15:50COVID 19

Our Post COVID-19 disinfect and sanitise products get the job done.
Firstly, our technical support team have carefully researched and identified the situation at hand. In addition, we have produced a Post COVID-19 Recovery Guide and Work Place Initiatives disinfect and sanitise cleaning products. Moreover, outlining how to disinfect and sanitise all touchpoint surfaces throughout any business enterprise.
The COVID-19 pandemic has required a hyper-vigilance by industries to ensure that all surfaces – visible and hidden – are cleaned to a standard that will kill the COVID-19 virus.
Most importantly, Australians now expect a far higher level of hygiene and sanitation than ever before and we can help you achieve this.
That is to say, HY.GIENE Australia is part of the critical infrastructure assisting government departments and services in the manufacture and supply of products and strategies to disinfect and sanitise and combat COVID-19.
HY.GIENE HANDS – a premium hand sanitiser -
COVID-19 Disinfect and Sanitise
As a manufacturer and supplier of hand sanitising solution, with a track history and record of providing product into the market over twenty years. HY.GIENE Australia has been listed with relevant government. Meanwhile, tier 1 supply chains and agencies as a supply source of disinfect and sanities cleaning products.
Our Australian Made HY.GIENE HANDS is used with confidence throughout all sectors of the business community and essential services including hospitals, healthcare, mining, government departments, Richies IGA and vendor supplier to Woolworths.
We have the following hand sanitising products:
• HYGIENE HANDS >70-80% alcohol thin liquid hand sanitizer spray 5L
• HYGIENE HANDS >75% alcohol thick hand sanitizer 500ML, 5L
• Type A Antibacterial liquid hand soap for back of house staff 5L
ENVIRO.GIENE® A potent 2-in-1- multipurpose cleaner
Our ENVIRO.GIENE® is a hospital grade disinfect and sanities and multipurpose cleaner that kills 99.99% of germs including salmonella, E.coli, staphylococcus, enterococcus and pseudomonos. In addition, It delivers potent germicidal action in hard water and organic soil loads. It is formulated with fourth generation quaternary ammonium compounds that have been reported to be broadly active against bacteria, fungi, viruses and algae. Certainly, the formulation has been generously boosted with surface active agents, alkali and solvent to further enhance its cleaning capability and rapid action on lipophilic (enveloped).
ENVIRO.GIENE will kill:
• E. coli
• P. vulgaris
• P. aeruginosa
• S. typhosa
• S. aureus
• Salmonella
SANI.SAN High Strength Surface COVID-19 Disinfect and Sanitise
SANI.SAN is a 70% alcohol based disinfect and sanities cleaner. The application is for ready-to-use sanitising on all hard touch point surfaces throughout any business enterprise, including food industry, beverage and dairy industries. In the same vein, suitable for use as a mid-shift disinfectant, SANI.SAN is safe for use on food contact surfaces and evaporates rapidly, leaving virtually no residue. Therefore, it is recommended to be used in high-risk areas to clean and disinfect conveyors, fillers and other equipment after small product spillages etc.
Covid 19 Disinfect and Sanitise
VICTORY is a specially formulated bleach cleanser sanitizer which will effectively disinfect and sanities all bathroom, tiled and hard surface areas. Likewise, VICTORY contains powerful wetting agents to dissolve and rinse away mould, scum and body fat. VICTORY has a clinging action which allows it to work well on:
Shower walls and screens, toilets
Garbage bins
Tiled floors and walls
Any areas where mould is a problem
Covid 19 Disinfect and Sanitise
ANTIBAC FS is a light coloured opaque liquid with no fragrance. ANTIBAC FS has excellent grease cutting capability on most commercial and industrial surfaces. Moreover, included is a hospital strength disinfectant with broad spectrum activity against bacteria and heavy duty cleaning ability. As a result, recommended for cleaning & disinfecting all areas where soiling is of a medium to heavy nature. Food Industry Degreaser Cleaner Disinfectant Foaming Sanitiser ARTG No. 308321
Covid 19 Disinfect and Sanitise
We can provide any laundry with hospital grade disinfection
LAUNDRY DEGREASER removes oil retention in linen and towels
Above all, for disinfection and eliminating oil retention from towels, our proven HY.WASH 3 step laundry program works.
On-site Laundry Washing
• Disinfection and eliminating oil retention
• Hotels, Spas & Salons, Dry Cleaners, home users
• We have the solution😊
The HY.GIENE LAUNDRY DEGREASER is a hospital-grade disinfectant detergent and effectively eliminates oil retention. Further, It delivers potent germicidal action in hard water and organic soil loads. It is formulated with fourth-generation quaternary ammonium compounds that have been reported to be broadly active against bacteria, fungi, viruses and algae. In short, the formulation has been generously boosted with surface-active agents, alkali and solvent to further enhance its cleaning capability and rapid action on lipophilic (enveloped) viruses.
Hospital Grade Disinfectant
Kills 99.99% of germs Including salmonella, e.coli, staphylococcus, enterococcus & pseudomonas
Powerful Super concentrated, industrial-strength foaming degreaser/cleaner
E. coli
P. vulgaris
P. aeruginosa
S. typhosa
S. aureus
*Temperature is not a factor with respect to kill.
The Deep Clean Starter Pack-
Covid 19 Disinfect and Sanitise
The Deep Clean Starter Pack is the perfect kit to disinfect and sanitise
ENVIRO.GIENE 5L Hospital Grade Disinfectant and Multipurpose Cleaner
HY.GIENE HANDS 5L Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
SHINE Touch Point Surface Sanitizer and Glass Cleaner
Victory Gel Bleach