Spa, Beauty, Wellness
13 April 2020 2024-06-26 11:46Spa, Beauty, Wellness

Advanced and Complete Laundry Care System for Spa, Beauty & Hair Salons
Oil Retention In Towels
Our HY.WASH3 step process is simple and very effective for removing oil in massage towels and sarongs.
Longer Life In Your Towels
Our Laundry Care process will protect the fibres of your towels, giving you superior colour retention so they look beautiful for longer.
Exceptional Quality and Features
Both our laundry liquid detergent and laundry powder are Premium grade non hazardous products, fully biodegradable and suitable for front and top loading machines in hot or cold water.
The ingredients are highly active, low sudsing with powerful optical brightener and soiling suspending agents for free rinsing.
Being a concentrate, the dosage rate for the liquid and powder products is reduced giving you great value and great results!
Uniquely formulated to remove heavily embedded soils such as grease, oils, and fats from synthetic cotton blends and pure cotton.
Especially designed for cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces.
BEAUTY.GIENE - Especially designed for cleaning and disinfecting of all surfaces, furniture and equipment
BEAUTY.GIENE is a premium antibacterial hospital grade, low foaming, non-caustic cleaner developed specifically for the Spa and Beauty industry. It’s powerful detersive nature enables the efficient removal of dirt, oil and grease from all surfaces whilst cleaning, disinfecting and eliminating harmful bacteria.
BEAUTY.GIENE is friendly to the environment, 100% biodegradable and non-hazardous. Suitable for cleaning and disinfecting the entire beauty salon – floors, walls, tables, spray & wipe, toilet, kitchen and instruments.
BEAUTY.GIENE is available in the following convenient sizes: 1L salon starter pack, 1L refill, 5L salon starter pack, 5L salon refills and 15L bulk pack. (Cap spanners and taps available for easy handling).
PEDI.GIENE - The first product especially designed for cleaning and sanitising pedicure equipment
Outbreaks of skin infections on the legs and feet of patrons following spa pedicures have caused concern about pedi-spa safety.
HY.GIENE Australia provides information for customers of salon pedicure foot spas which can help reduce the potential for infections associated with pedicure foot spa use. Micro-organisms in foot spas can enter through the skin. It is for this reason that all salon workers understand that pedicure foot spas and basins be cleaned and sanitised after every use.
PEDI.GIENE is available in the following convenient sizes: 1 L salon starter pack, 1L refill, 5L salon starter pack, 5L salon refills and 15L bulk pack. (Measure cups and taps available for easy handling).